The Path to a Job Training in Germany - Graduates of German Schools Abroad

The German Abitur can be obtained at 140 schools in 72 countries. Graduates of German schools abroad have easier access to training or further education in Germany, but they have to meet various requirements, criteria and formalities. For example, they need a visa and health insurance that is valid in Germany. We explain how you can apply for all this.

The visa

A visa to apply for a training place in Germany is usually issued by the German diplomatic mission of the Federal Foreign Office in the respective country and is subject to various requirements. As an applicant, you must prove that you have a good knowledge of German, that you can finance the stay in Germany and that you have graduated from a German school abroad at the appropriate level for the training you are aiming for. Furthermore, you must not be older than 25 years.

The following documents are (usually) required for verification:

  • Passport
  • School certificate
  • Proof of financing
  • Proof of German language skills
  • Application form for the visa itself

The processing time for such an application varies from a few days to several weeks – therefore, you should apply for a visa as early as possible. The processing fee is approximately 75 euros.

Permission to take up training is entered as a secondary condition in the visa and the potential training company must be indicated. Normally, this visa entitles the holder to stay in Germany for six months.

Approval by the Federal Employment Agency is NOT necessary

If you apply for a training place in Germany as a young adult from a non-EU country, the Federal Employment Agency must normally give its approval. The Federal Employment Agency will then check whether German or European applicants are available, as these would have priority.

If you apply with a school-leaving certificate obtained at a German school abroad, this check is not necessary, which makes it easier to obtain a residence permit.

Applying for a residence permit

After entry, the Foreigners' Registration Office is responsible for granting the residence permit, which must be applied for in good time before the visa expires. In a city district or a large district town, the city administration is responsible; in towns or municipalities belonging to a district, the district administration office is responsible.

Various requirements must be met for the residence permit:

  • Fulfilment of passport and visa requirements
  • Guaranteed means of subsistence for the entire period of stay in Germany
  • Training contract
  • Language skills (care sector: level B2, otherwise responsibility of employer and vocational school)
  • registration of the training company with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK), if necessary
  • Fulfilment of the admission requirements for the training
  • There must be no interest in expulsion

It takes four to six weeks to process an application for a residence permit, and the initial application costs about 100 euros.

During the training, it is also possible to take on a part-time job for a maximum of ten hours per week. However, this may not have anything to do with the training.

Health insurance in Germany

It is important to have a health insurance when entering Germany. A proof will be requested by the embassy in your home country at the latest when you pick up your visa.

When you start your training, you should look for a suitable health insurance company here in Germany. The potential training company can usually help with this or even has clear guidelines.

Entry requirements Covid-19

At the moment, you should pay attention to the entry regulations to Germany due to the Corona pandemic. Information on current developments and regulations can be found, for example, on the website of the Federal Foreign Office.

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