Mediation for Conflict Resolution in Companies
Companies today face the challenge of keeping up in a constantly changing market. This inevitably leads to frequent change processes - the restructuring or merging of departments or entire companies, but also a high turnover of employees and managers are the result. At the same time, everyone is under constant pressure to keep up with these changes.
Conflicts can quickly arise in these change processes, for example when managers fight over budgets and team sizes or employees fight over certain areas of responsibility and career opportunities. Once these conflicts are deadlocked, an internal moderator can hardly find a solution - also because he or she is always assigned to one of the parties. The result: projects come to a standstill, the working atmosphere suffers. In the worst-case scenario, top performers leave the company in this chaos and valuable expertise is lost.
Mediation creates space for dialogue
Mediation, carried out by us as an external and independent personnel consultancy, can be an approach to resolve conflicts in or between departments and thus motivate and retain employees.
The basic idea is the use of an external and impartial mediator. He or she creates space, time and the appropriate structures for a constructive dialogue and exchange in which the different perspectives and interests of the conflict parties are heard.
Mediation principles of Kontrast Personalberatung GmbH
By ensuring an orderly and voluntary atmosphere of discussion, our mediators allow all participants - the so-called mediants - to raise their issues, interests and problems.
The mediator's task is to support the mediators in exchanging their views by adopting an impartial stance. In doing so, our mediator establishes a balance between the two parties from a neutral position in order to facilitate a goal-oriented dialogue at eye level. On the basis of this exchange, the conflicts are clarified and joint approaches to solutions are worked out. In addition, under the guidance of the mediator, the parties discuss how to secure the transfer into practice.
The goal of our personnel advisors
After the mediation, the cooperation between employees and departments should be free of conflicts and rivalry and the working atmosphere should be better. This in turn contributes to binding top performers and thus important professional competences to the company in order to be successful on the market in the long term.
Kontrast Personalberatung GmbH has been solving conflicts for a long time
We at Kontrast Personalberatung GmbH have been supporting companies in overcoming and resolving conflicts for almost 30 years. Mediation is one service or tool among many to meet the various and above all individual challenges of our clients.
As a double-certified personnel consultancy according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and SGB III, our understanding of the principle of mediation goes far beyond the basic principle presented here. You can find out more about this in our product description
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