Varied range of tasks

In order to run a nursing school, professional as well as organisational and economic skills are required. For example, the development and evaluation of educational concepts is one of the typical tasks of a school management. Representing the school internally and externally is also an integral part of the job. In addition, it is often required that the school management itself is present and teaches in practice from time to time.

Completed university education at Master's level is a prerequisite

The management of a nursing school must be a full-time occupation. In addition, the person must be pedagogically qualified - it is not sufficient here to have completed vocational training in the social or nursing field with appropriate professional experience. In order to take over the management of a nursing school, a completed university education at Master's or comparable level is a prerequisite. However, special expertise in the field of nursing is not a prerequisite for taking up the position.

Interesting job offer in Saxony

Kontrast Consulting is currently supporting a medical vocational school in Saxony in filling a position as head of a nursing school. The established vocational school for medical professions offers state-recognised educational qualifications for nursing and health care professions and is intensively committed to the academisation of the nursing professions.

Conclusion of the editorial staff:

The management of a nursing school is a challenging and diversified activity, which requires both content and organisational know-how. For this, you should have a pedagogical qualification with a corresponding university degree, for example, a degree in medical or nursing education.

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